November 3, 2018
$20 includes snacks
Have you ever wanted to start journaling, but didn’t really know where to begin? Or maybe you haven’t yet found the courage to put pen to paper? Then this might be the encouragement you’ve been looking for! Join us for a two-hour journey into the self, with our Yoga and Journaling workshop.
Yoga is a practice to explore your body and reconnect with yourself. It is as unique to you as your breath. Your body communicates what it needs to you. You become a witness to yourself through yoga. Yoga is a practice that is always changing and different. You never arrive at a stage at which there is no growth, much like life.
Journaling is a powerful form of learning, exploring, and even of spiritual growth. The connection physically between the sensation of writing at your fingertips and the emotions pouring out into physical words holds a power unlike any other. Journaling seems to magically bring to the surface what needs to be examined. Journaling also gives you permission to release the weight of that which weighs you down as it’s no longer trapped within you.
Through both yoga and journaling you will learn new things about yourself, things you didn’t know you needed to grow forward on your journey.
As the holiday season looms before us we can feel a mixture of emotions ranging from nostalgia, excitement, hope and even stress, grief or regret. Use these two hours as a time to connect with the feelings you are facing surrounding the holiday season and the steps you can take to create a holiday experience that is aligned for you. Many years we just do what we’ve done before and end up feeling depleted, exhausted and broke. Here is a chance to be intentional about creating a holiday season that allows for the feelings you long for at this time in your life.
The Workshop
- We will join together and set our personal intentions on paper privately.
- We will do a period of yoga flow with our energy centered on those intentions.
- We will take time to privately journal as we are led through creative journaling prompts to explore our intentions surrounding the upcoming holidays, past traditions, new hopes, changes we can choose, conversations we want to ignite, and time for self-care.
- We will alternate between yoga flow and journaling, visiting each practice twice.
- We will end with a short guided meditation.
- There will be light snacks and an opportunity to connect afterward.
The Instructors
- Julie Fulton, yoga instructor at RESHAPE, will lead the yoga
- Dawn Hafner, author of The Mapmaker, will lead the journal prompts and writing discussion
What to bring
- A journal or notebook and a pen + Water
We are excited to offer this growth based workshop and hope you will join us! Go to the MindBody App and the RESHAPE schedule to sign up and pay online.