The Sedona Method

Do you ever feel like your emotions have a hold of you?

Like they have descended from somewhere unknown, landed upon you and are holding you captive?

Sometimes we feel like we can’t shake them and break free. It could be sadness, grief, anxiety, stress, loneliness, depression and many other emotions we can feel.

The Sedona Method teaches us first that it is not the emotion that has a hold of us, but rather we are actually the ones holding onto it.

“What?” you might say. If I could get rid of this emotion I would!

Keep in mind there is a huge difference in releasing an emotion vs. stuffing it or shoving it aside. Most of what we do with emotions we don’t enjoy feeling consists of avoiding and resisting. The Sedona Method teaches us how to first learn to allow the emotion to exist, work with it and then when we are ready, release it.

How many times have you witnessed yourself or others even refusing to name a feeling?

“I don’t know. I just feel off.”  

Spending some time witnessing the feeling is the first step. Theses are the basic releasing questions:

  • What is your NOW feeling?
  • Could you welcome and allow that feeling?
  • Could you let it go? (Yes or No is acceptable) You will often find yourself releasing even if your answer is No.
  • Would you let it go? (In other words am I willing to let it go?) If the answer is no or unsure you can also ask “Would I rather have this feeling or be free?” If the answer is still no then go to next question.
  • When?

You repeat the above list of questions as often as needed until you feel free from a particular feeling.

I would add another question to the process I have found very helpful and that is – What might this be teaching me?

Notice, that nowhere on this list is the question “Why?” Why is a dangerous invitation for that loud, egoic voice to take over and feed you all sorts of lies about why this is happening to you that will do nothing but increase your pain and feelings of separation.

Emotion vs. Feeling

I use these two words interchangeably. There are some people that make distinctions between the two, and while the argument for this distinction makes logical sense, I still find most people will use these words interchangeably. Both can be used to identify how they feel within both their body and their mind. If you are interested in how these terms differ this article has an explanation.

Emotion = Energy In Motion

My favorite definition of what an emotion is is “energy in motion.”

Many people do not realize they are not solid matter. (Ha – it sure seems like I’m solid matter when I try to go for a run!) When you look at what the body is made up of at a atomic level we are nearly 99% empty space and the rest is energy. The energy is constantly moving at varying frequencies and intensities. When we feel an emotion in our body it is a particular energy frequency trying to move through us.

Anger has a different energy frequency than Joy. Frustration has a different energy frequency than Love. When the energy attempts to move through our body and we resist it, deny it, stuff it or shove it aside that creates chaos at the cellular level. The energy that was once in motion can then get stuck. Imagine a ball of Christmas lights type of tangled and balled into a mess!

That energetic chaos then causes physical manifestations like a pain in your neck, a headache, ulcers, stomach upset, and eventually long term chronic disease. Disease = a dis-ease in the body. When we can let the energy of our emotions flow through us and allow them, then the varying frequencies can move through feely and not get stuck within us to cause this chaos.

The documentary called E-Motion goes in depth into this issue and is fascinating. It can be found on Gaia. Gaia is basically like Netflix, but all the video and movie content is about science and consciousness topics. If you are interested in this area I would also recommend the documentary Heal.

“As long as we are living by the hormones of stress, we are living as a materialist, because the hormones of stress cause us to believe that the outer world is more real than the inner world.” Joe Dispenza

I hope you’ve enjoyed this dive into how to work with your emotions in a more powerful way and that you will give some of these tools a try.

Please let me know if you do try some of these how it feels for you. I’d love to hear from you!

In Love, Light and Faith,
