Start your day with some positivity on purpose!
I’ve been sharing daily affirmations on my Instagram and Facebook pages over the last couple weeks to ignite some positivity.
When I finish out one journal and start another one fresh I usually spend some time in setting my intentions for the next quarter or some affirmations about what I’d like to embrace in my mindset. One calendar quarter is usually about how long it takes me to fill a journal when journaling consistently.
So, as I started off this journal I spent some time in reflection on my thoughts and mindset, and 16 powerful affirmations came to me. I’ve shared the first half of them here with you with the hope that some of them will resonate for you also and give you a new thought to try on for the day.
Affirmation Series #1 – I am filled with gratitude for all of life, my boys, family, my dog, my home, my job, my business and all of my relationships. I am grateful for every single experience and lesson on my journey. I have everything I could ever want and am open to receiving all that God has planned for my journey here. Amen.
Gratitude as an energy opens up your ability to receive. All that we believe we possess is merely a perception. If you’d like to perceive more abundance start by being grateful for the abundance you do see. Practicing this is like magic. More will appear before you the more gratitude you feel.
Affirmation Series #2 – I am constantly choosing things, experiences and people who bring me joy. I am a joy magnet. I am mindful and present in all my moments – when eating, writing, sharing, working out, creating, being with others. All of it – present and aware. Peace is always available and present for me. Nothing in the world needs adjusting or fixing, only my perception choice matters. Joy is my frequency I choose.
Affirmation Series #3 – I am part of all of creation. There is oneness connecting all I see. I can feel the connection to all as I move through my day. Others can feel the love and light I am emitting and I receive the same from them. One light. One love. Everywhere. Connected.
Affirmation Series #4 – I am tuned in and in sync with the voice and guidance of God, Son, Holy Spirit, Source, Universe, Love. All are within me as one, and sending me strength, love, and guidance for my journey here. I get quiet enough to feel the voice and hear it.
Affirmation Series #5 – I am abundant in all areas of wealth. Wealth of people. Wealth of experiences. Wealth of health. Wealth flows easily to me from many sources. I have all that I desire for all the experiences aligned to my journey. I give and receive freely with joy because we are all One.
Affirmation Series #6 – I plan my day with ease of time and freedom. I put purposeful buffers into my schedule. I say No with ease. I devote time to self-care, creativity and rest. Time works in my favor. I move through my day feeling unrushed and at ease. I have all the time I need to do what is meant for my journey.
Affirmation Series #7 I am enough. I am enough as I am. This is true at work and at home. This is true everywhere I am. Not all outcomes are mine to control. I give what I can and I rest in knowing I am enough. I will always be enough. Forcing and suffering are not part of my chosen path. I see only giving and joy.
Affirmation Series #8 I am creating my world with my thoughts. I am responsible for all I see because I choose to see it. I purposefully select my thoughts. I am responsible for all I think. There is no such thing as a harmless thought. All thought matters. All thought is a spiritual act. My mind is a mirror to my world and all I perceive is by choice.
I hope that some of these resonated for you and gave you a new thought to try on today.
In Light, Love and Faith,
P.S. – If you think this would speak to a friend please share and sign up for the Monday Mindings newsletter on my home page at