If your Monday has you feeling like, “Awwww…..do I have to?”, it may be time for a Mindset Makeover.

Here are a few of my best tips for leveling up your mindset. Mindset is everything my friends. Your circumstances are handed to you, but what you believe is all in your hands.

Mindset TIp #1
“I don’t know.”
This may be the most destructive lie we tell ourselves. You do know. You may not know 100%, or you may be scared, but you do know something. Most of us use this because it feels like sitting on the fence. It feels like not making a decision, but not deciding IS also a decision.

  • What to think instead? “I am one step closer to figuring it out. The pieces I need to know are flowing to me. All I need to do is notice.

“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” Theodore Roosevelt

Mindset TIp #2
“Choose your thoughts like you choose your clothes.” 
Our thoughts are like a wardrobe. We get to choose the persona we want to put on today. Give some thought to the goals you have for yourself, even if not written down. What kind of life are you hoping for? What does your perfect day look like compared to yours now? Now, as you think about your ideal future self….what thoughts does she/he have about her/his day and life? How are her thoughts different than yours? Frame these thoughts in the positive.

She/he believes…..

She/he thinks…….

She/he reacts…..

She/he makes time for….

She/he moves through the day with a feeling of….

Try to get into the head of your future self and pretend you can hear her/his thoughts. Write them out. Try on those thoughts for yourself today. This is not a “fake it until you make it” drill. This is you deliberately managing your thoughts in the direction you want to create your ideal life. This is you putting the energy, the ball in motion to attain that future ideal self. Change is inevitable. It is up to you to guide the direction.


Mindset TIp #3
“I can’t stop the negative thoughts. They just come.”
This is true. Stopping negative thinking when your brain is accustomed to it can feel like standing in front of a moving freight train and holding up your hand. Futile right?

  • What to think instead? “Attach “….and…..” So this looks like the following:
  • I am horribly out of shape. vs. I am horribly out of shape….. and…. today I am making a choice to take the stairs.
  • My marriage sucks. vs. My marriage sucks…..and….I am going to be courageous enough to suggest counseling.

Instead of trying to stop the train, you just attach something slightly more positive to the end of the thought instead of stopping at negative alone. This alone will begin to build new neuron pathways and help new thought patterns come to you easier than before.

Please let me know if you tried any of these mindset techniques and how they showed up for you.  I would love to hear from you.

If you’d like more in-depth mindset work or to explore what Rapid Transformational Therapy can do for you just Book a Discovery Call.

In Love, Light and Faith,
