I Believe….
- I believe…Love is the answer, even if you don’t know the question. Love is always the answer.
- I believe…Souls have no gender, no age, no color, no social status, no country, no religion. Our bodies and lives are simply our transportation home.
- We are being guided to our highest self. The guidance is always present if we ask.
- In a higher power. I believe the essence of higher power transcends the words we humans use to name it. I call it God. Others call this by another name. That doesn’t change the essence to which we refer.
- I believe the higher power lives inside every living being. I think of this as light. The light in each of us came from the same source. Each of us is forever connected by the light in a way our minds can’t hold. The best approximation I have is that we are literally ONE as if our bodies were but an illusion. We/our light is all one. When I hurt you, I hurt myself. When I give to you, I give to myself.
- Home is where pure love exists. Heaven = Home = Here.
- The biggest obstacle to seeing love and light is my mind and what I choose to see.
- Even the humans most separated from the light still have the light inside of them.
- Every life has value. The same exact value.
- Our fears are lies. There is nothing to fear here. Love will erase all darkness. The pain we find here will not just be healed, it will be as if it never was, because only the love is real. Only the real is timeless and unchanging. Anything not of love is not real and can’t hurt me.
- I believe there are many paths that lead us home. My path doesn’t need to look like yours for us to love each other and arrive home together.
- Every one of us is here for a very special role on earth. You can’t erase or ignore your purpose and any attempt to do so is where our suffering lies. No one’s purpose is more valuable than another’s.
- We co-create with our higher power.
- We are as powerful as our higher source when we surrender our own agenda and choose to live as love.
- We are here to create, enjoy and love. Life is joyful. Our nature is to love.
- Any separation we feel from love is false and only our perception needs correction.
- I know I am guided. I know I am loved. I know my purpose is love. I know we are all one. I know all is already solved and cured for me. I know when I see other than love it is my vision that is false.
- We see with more than our eyes and we have many more senses than the five we’ve named so far.
- There are no coincidences and no one we meet is random. Our path is constantly being revealed to us by our higher power.
- Anything meant for you will never miss you. If you don’t notice it the first 1000 times it will keep coming into your awareness in a different form until you do.
- We are never done here. There is no arrived and because we are never done, we also can’t get it wrong. Only constant moving towards love is our path.
- You can’t fall behind and you can’t get off the path. Higher power is handling it for you and guiding you back.
- Only two emotions exist. Fear and Love. Fear is a lie. Only Love is real. Love expands when I share it. Fear’s only goal is to separate me from love and cut me off from my higher power.
I hope some of this resonated with you as my brothers and sisters on this journey home together.