Self Development

How to Finally Change Your Habits Video + Free Printable Worksheet Below There are two main obstacles that stand between you and your new desired habit. Habit Formation. In other words, tricking your brain to adopt the new behavior in exchange for the old behavior. You know what you want to change in your actions. […]

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Why Focus on Thoughts? Anyone that has followed my posts and writing for any length of time knows I am 100% focused on how our thoughts affect our lives. It’s much more than just positive thinking as a nice way to live. From everything I’ve read and studied I believe that thoughts are just as real […]

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If your Monday has you feeling like, “Awwww… I have to?”, it may be time for a Mindset Makeover. Here are a few of my best tips for leveling up your mindset. Mindset is everything my friends. Your circumstances are handed to you, but what you believe is all in your hands. Mindset TIp #1 […]

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What is Rapid Transformational Therapy? Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT)©, Marisa Peer’s highly successful method that has helped thousands of people worldwide to successfully overcome their issues.  RTT is a scientific hybrid therapy which incorporates the most effective components of modalities. It is an extremely dynamic, fast and effective therapy which is designed to uncover the root […]

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Self-Care Isn’t For YOU Why do we struggle to take time for ourselves? Why do feelings of guilt come up when we do things we want to do that we think only benefit us? Self-care has become viewed as a guilty indulgence of sorts, especially among moms I find. I hear comments like this all the time: […]

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App Roundup – 4 Life Changers My app collection seems to go in phases. When I discover one great one an entire wave of them come into my existence. These are life changers, productivity changers and I included links here for you to check out. Alarmy – Getting up early to make time for self-care […]

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Dear Dawn, Please quit doing things that make me nervous. This writing thing is fine, but sharing it like you do, well not so much. You my dear are just not that great of a writer. Average at best. You weren’t even trained in this. For God’s sake, you’re an accountant! A couple classes and […]

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conquer to-do list, drop guilt

It’s no wonder we dread looking at our to-do list. It’s generally more than Wonder Woman herself could accomplish in a week, let alone a day. It often contains the agenda of other people, instead of our own. We drench ourselves in guilt when we look it over, feeling bad that we didn’t complete what […]

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How do people who read voraciously find the time? They have kids, homes to care for and demanding jobs just like you. Do they just ignore the world hours upon hours a day? You may have set goals in the past to read more, knowing it can advance your career, give you new insights into […]

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I’m a huge believer in having a daily journaling practice. Before you resist this idea with the response, “But, I’m not a writer,” hear me out. Journaling isn’t writing for communication or writing to a reader. It’s writing for you. It’s writing to reveal yourself to yourself more fully. You don’t need a fancy journal […]

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