Do you know that thing that happens to you at night, while you’re busy sleeping? You know, the stories the mind creates on its own? The mind likes to create movies for you to watch while you sleep. Some are fun and joyful. Some are downright scary. They are made up nonsense and often bizarre. Sometimes you remember them. Often you might not. Sometimes they relate to your life events. The mind does this as a way of processing and because the mind needs to stay busy at all times.

We call it DREAMING of course.

And what do we usually say around dreaming? “Oh, whew….that was just a DREAM.” We immediately let go of it. We know it’s not real and can’t hurt us. We might wonder about how it relates to what we call real life, but we find it easy to release them for the most part.

Now, flip to your daytime activities. The mind is still the mind. It needs to be doing something for you all the time. So, it does A LOT of creating thoughts, many of them nonsense, some of them negative and mean. All day long. The chatter. The voice. It rarely stops.

We call this THINKING of course.

And what do we say about thinking? We do the exact opposite.

We believe the thinking. We hold onto the thinking. We analyze the heck out of the thinking and try to break it to bits to gather up the meaning for us. We let the thinking take us along for a ride all day long sometimes with no rest, no quiet, no break.

So, why can’t we just apply the same response we have to DREAMING to THINKING?

We just haven’t been taught to do that. The mind is no more sane and helpful during the day than at night. As you witness your thinking realize you are bigger than the thinking. You are not the thinking. Your role is to choose which parts to hold onto and which parts to chuck away like a bad dream.

Which parts to hold onto? Only the ones that feel joyful, amazing and highly aligned with your true state of the pure love you are. All the rest is just a dream, my friend. Let it go down the rabbit hole. Release it with ease. Hold on to only the higher thinking that reflects your true magical self. You are growing moment by moment into your destiny, not because you are trying or steering, but because you simply are life. You are love. You are grace. You are all of this just by BEing. Allow it to just BE and trust the lifeforce expanding within you.

You don’t have to try so hard my friend. You just have to BE. Yes, that leaves the mind out of a job. Oh well. We are bigger than the mind. We are becoming all we were designed to be. Just you wait and see. You are more beautiful than you can envision with the mind. You my dear, must be FELT at the deepest levels of the soul to be truly seen. You don’t get there by trying. You are carried there despite yourself. If you are still enough and quiet enough you can’t miss the miracles surrounding you, within you.

Just allow. Surrender. Trust. If these words bring up discomfort, that’s where your next unfolding will be found.

In Love, Light and Faith,


(You may have noticed that I refer to the mind as ‘the mind’ instead of ‘your mind.’ That is 100% on purpose and something I will share in a future post. The thoughts in your mind aren’t as personal as you may believe.)