Your mission should you choose to accept it is…….?

Do you know? Do you know your mission for your life? Is it 100% clear?

I wrote mine about two years ago at a conference designed to walk you through how to develop a life mission statement. At first, the exercise may seem a bit corny to some, but if you take the time to carefully identify your true values and what you wish to create in your one precious life it can become a guiding beacon in the night. It helps me say No with ease. Activities or people that aren’t aligned with my mission don’t end up on my calendar so that I can make room for activities and people who do align with what I want to do with my one wild precious life.

If you haven’t created one for yourself give it some thought. It is a great way to start setting boundaries and prioritizing your crazy busy schedule to align with your true purpose.

Step one = examine a list of values and comb through them several times to see what resonates with you. Certain values will rise to the top for you. Here is a great resource for a values list and how to narrow down your core values.

Step two = reflect on critical pivotal moments in your life where you felt the most alive and why (My word Impact came out of that. I found that some of my most meaningful moments were knowing I had an Impact on someone I love. My word Connectedness also came out of this step.)

Step three = reflect on the qualities of those you admire and why (Grace came out of this reflection for me. Isn’t Grace just the most lovely word? It has behind it other values like Tenderness and Forgiveness and Authenticity. Love love the word, Grace.)

Step four = craft the values you selected into what you wish to say about your life at the end of the road here. Make sure to write it in a present tense as something you are already now.

Step five = read it frequently!

This purpose statement guides me every day and gives me something to strive for in every interaction I have. Every day is a chance to try again to hit the mark. I have it hanging in my house in different locations and in my planner binder so I see it often and can ask myself how I’m doing on this purpose.

What is your mission here?

Time doesn’t wait. Life is now, today. I hope you are loving yours and squeezing all the goodness out of it every single moment. If you want a different life, you have to choose differently. Create your life on purpose.

If you enjoyed these tips and know you could benefit from a better mindset in your life, let’s talk about how I can help. Click the below link to fill out an application for a free Discovery Call with me. At the bottom left of the form is a button to schedule a call on my calendar.

Below is also the YouTube video on this topic from my Friday Live Lunch.