We are called upon daily to lead others. We lead in our families. We lead our children. We lead at church. We lead at work. We lead with our friends.

But do you lead yourself first?

How can you lead others without leading yourself first?

When I see a business leader that is burnt out, quick-tempered, unbalanced, unhealthy and working 60+ hours a week I don’t see a leader I want to follow. I don’t care how successful his wealth appears. That is not success to me. It’s a dead end for your soul.

Leading isn’t about doing more and more and more until you drop. The people I am inspired to follow take care of themselves first. They embrace who they are fully, even if it’s not society’s norm. They invest in their health, their family and their dreams unapologetically. They create boundaries and say No more than they say Yes. They don’t just work harder than most, they work smarter. They work in alignment with their passions. They show us how to honor our God-given talents and embrace individuality without comparing to others. Those are the people I feel inspired to follow.

So, are you? Are you leading yourself first?

Are you designing the life you want to live intentionally and putting in place practices to be true to those intentions? Have you set aside time to get in tune with your intentions? What do you even want from your life anyway? Have you even taken the time to define what it ideally looks like? Sometimes life sways us in so many directions we lose sight of what it even is that makes our soul sing. What did you fall in love with as a child that you let go of for adult practicality? Stress comes not from our activities, but that our activities are misaligned with our soul.

If God taps you out tomorrow will you have regrets on how you used your gift of time, or will you know you designed and lived your life with full intention?

Once you’ve designed your ideal life and where you want to invest your time how will you make that happen? What needs to change to create the time to take small steps daily to meet those goals, to achieve those dreams? How do you make the space for following your dreams? What does your soul want to be happy and aligned with your purpose here?

If you are breathing right now, you are here for a very important purpose. God’s purpose. You have to open up to what that is and slow down enough to listen to Him. He speaks to us through our curiosity. If you don’t feel you’ve found your passion that’s OK. Listen to the voice of curiosity. Let yourself follow what creates curiosity for you, even if it’s something out of your norm. He speaks to us through synchronicity. Those “weird” coincidences that you notice happening in life are messages designed for you, delivered to you. Don’t ignore them. And don’t move so fast you miss them. Open them. Embrace them. Know they are for you. That is your purpose unfolding before you.

Then you have to be brave enough to take action and tell FEAR to go sit in the corner for a while. Fear will exist, and its presence doesn’t have to equate to a lack of action. We can move forward despite fear. Once you decide you are willing to feel any emotion under the sun, there is nothing you can’t achieve, nothing you can’t handle. When we are called upon to align ourselves with our true talents work is not work, it’s just being who we were already designed to BE.

I am asked pretty often, how do you find time for the things you do? Your job is super demanding and yet somehow you find time to be at all your kid’s events, read all these books for fun, volunteer, and do this writing thing on the side? Do you sleep? Yes. I sleep 7-8 hours a night. I do probably do something different though than most people. I spend time planning. I don’t just plan my workday. I plan my life each day, well each week to be exact. I plan my week to match my purpose. I don’t just wing it.

Planning is the number one difference in attaining your purpose vs. having regrets.

You can buy many different types of expensive planners, but the truth is all you need is a notebook, a basic day planner or even your Outlook or Google online calendar. Pick a tool that is easy and natural for you.

Next week I will go over some tools and how to plan your week to match your life purpose you’ve designed. This week give some thought to your purpose. What do you need to have met in order to have lived a life of intention for you? What does your ideal life look like?

What would you attempt to do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

Learn how to break free of the programming that has been holding you back from your full potential.

Haven’t you waited long enough?

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